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Convention Policies & Safety

We would love for everyone to have a great time at Puchicon - but safety first! For everyone's safety, please follow all the convention rules & procedures. See below the convention policies. These policies are subject to change with or without prior notice.


General Policies

*Please follow all convention rules, which include announcements, signage, and any further instructions throughout the event.


*Please follow all location and venue rules and policies. We are all welcomed guests at these locations and wish to respect their house!


*Any form of physical altercations - from play-fighting or rough-housing are not allowed. However, for photoshoots, Still Poses are allowed to capture the scene.


*Any form of firearms and/or realistic props are not permitted.


*Safety first! Do not endanger the welfare of others that causes risk or threatens everyone's safety or wellbeing at the convention.


*Do not bring any illegal substances or objects to the Convention - if it is illegal outside, then it is illegal inside!


*No underage (<21 years old by the Convention dates) drinking of alcohol, smoking tobacco, hookah, vaping, or the use of other illegal substances. Anyone found breaking the law of the respective State we are hosting a Convention, will be reported and turned over to the local authorities and will result in being banned from this and future Puchicon Conventions and Events.


*Convention Staff & Security are allowed, at any time, to:

-Inspect your Convention Badges

-Request to see valid government-issued ID

-Request to inspect the contents of your bags, backpacks, purses, etc.

-Deny your entrance to the Convention for the safety and welfare of Convention-goers.


*BAG POLICY: For the safety of all attending and working the Convention, bags are NOT to be left unattended under any circumstances. Any bags left unattended will be removed from the Convention floor by staff, volunteers, and/or security.

-There will be no bag check area to leave your bags. Security and staff reserve the right to search any bags in question upon inspection at the Registration Table, and anytime throughout the Convention.

-Bags must be held AT ALL TIMES and not obstruct any walking area or panel area of the Convention. It should be able to fit under or in front of your chair, or placed on your lap without obstructing anyone's view.


*Let's all follow the rules, and we will all have a great time!


No-Harassment Policies

*Puchicon does not allow harassment of any kind. If you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of someone's behavior towards you or within the Convention, that is a form of harassment. Some of these behaviors are: stalking, offensive comments, hate speech, inappropriate physical contact, and recording or taking pictures without your consent. Some of these forms of hate speech comments are (but are not limited to): age, race or ethnicity, color, citizenship, relationship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or presentation, appearance or body size, pregnancy disability, or religion.


*Cosplay is NOT consent - so keep your hands to yourself!


*Be mindful and aware of what you say to people and how you approach and act around them. This is a family-friendly event, and young children are always walking around with their families.


*If you feel harassed or see someone else being harassed, notify Puchicon Staff or Security immediately. Puchicon takes these things seriously and will conduct the appropriate steps and measures to ensure the safety and respect of our Convention-goers.


*These policies apply to everyone at the convention, including attendees, guests, panelists, vendors, artists, and staff/volunteers.


Those who do not aby by these rules will be escorted off the premises by Critical Protection Security 833-354-8273 Option 5, or  the security of the venue and banned from future events without refund.






Panel & Event Room Policies

*For all event and panel rooms, all attendees with Convention Accessibility Needs will be allowed entry prior to general admission. Individuals with accessibility needs and who have qualified should present themselves at the front of the line. A Puchicon Staff or Security personnel will be there before the start of the next panel or event.


*Please note early entry to any event or panel room is not guaranteed to any person but will do our best for those who qualify.

-Please have badges ready and visible for the event/panel assistant can check when you get to the front of the line.

-Any form of line skipping, saving spots, or saving seats inside the room are not permitted.

-Individuals with accessibility needs will be allowed entry before the general line. We ask if those standing in line can make room for them to access the entryway and exits for each panel or event room.

-Know that if you leave the line for any reason, you will forfeit and lose your spot in line upon your return, and must go to the end of the line.

-If you leave a panel or event room at any time, there is no guarantee you will get back into the room if it's full capacity.

-If the room is at full capacity, the line will be cut off or capped off if the line gets too long. Return in a few minutes to see if things have changed, but no guarantee.

-Please stand in a single file line or according to how Puchicon Staff or Security place you in line, this is to avoid crowding of the hallway and walking spaces.





Photography & Video Recording Policies

*Purchase of a badge or ticket is your consent to allow Puchicon to take photos and/or videos that may have you in them during the Convention at any time. Any photos & videos that spotlight you are through granted permission expressed by any Puchicon Photography/Videography staff.


*Photos & Videos must be for personal memories and use only.

-Only exceptions are any Photographers & Videographers who are staffed by Puchicon Anime & Videogame Convention.


*No solicitation of Photography and Videography services on the Convention Floor.


*Cosplay Meetups are allowed to take photos and videos on the Convention Floor.


*The use of Drones is not permitted within the venue or convention areas.





































Press Policies

*Complimentary badges or Press Wristbands are provided as a courtesy to those intending to do press coverage of Puchicon, during Scheduled Convention Hours and Days.  Press badge or Wristband does NOT allow early access or special access. It does NOT allow you to cut lines. It does NOT guarantee you seats. It does NOT guarantee you autographs or free autographs from guests. Everyone attending as Press must follow and adhere to Puchicon Convention Policies & Safety; as well as Current Covid Protocols & Guidelines.


*Press members may be freelance and on assignment for a media outlet or employed with a major media company. Outlets must be at least two years old, and have been active on their platform for the past six (6) months, or on a case-by-case basis will be considered, and can show verification.


*Press badges will not be granted to cosplay photographers, personal blogs, or photo gallery websites.

*You must be able to provide relevant coverage from other events and/or conventions, as well as direct links to where they have published/posted their press content.

*Applying for a press badge does not guarantee a press badge or Wristband. Press badges are limited; thus verification and approval are ultimately at the discretion of Puchicon.


*Press Badges or Wristbands are non-transferable. You may not loan or sell your Press Badge or Wristband, and anyone conducting such behavior against badge or wristband policies will have them revoked and will be disqualified from Press Badges or wristbands at future Puchicon events.


*Press Badges or Wristbands are to be picked up at the Information Booth of the Convention during normal Convention Hours & Entry.


*Those interested in applying for a Press Badge or Wristband can email


Venue Policy

Each Venue we use to host the convention has its own individual policies and must be adhered to at all times.


You can go to the following links for more information pertaining to each venue.


Camelback Mountain Lodge Resort



Official policy from Aquatopia Director of Public Safety:

If any guest is found to be having sex (or any form of sexual misconduct) in any of our public areas, they would be escorted off the property and trespassed from our resort. In most cases, the Police would be involved as well. We have a no-tolerance policy.


Minors must be accompanied by an adult in the pool area at all times.


Marriott Teaneck at Glenpointe


Registration Policies

*Puchicon badges and tickets of any form are non-refundable. Transfering and/or handing over this badge or ticket to any other person other than the original purchaser and/or holder is not allowed and will result in the badge and/or ticket being confiscated by Puchicon Staff or Security. Badges and/or Tickets are not to be duplicated in any shape or form. No Bootlegs! Failure to hand over this badge or ticket will result in no entry permitted to Convention.


*If an attendee or panelist tests positive for Covid-19 within three weeks or less prior to the convention date they are attending, unfortunately, they will be unable to attend, and we will not be able to offer a refund.


*We will however roll over your ticket, table, and/or panel appearance to the following next scheduled Puchicon Convention. You have until the start time of the expected convention date you were planning to attend to contact Puchicon; failure to do so will forfeit your ability to roll over your ticket, table, or panel. Rollovers are only allowed for the NEXT scheduled convention, so the deadline to use your roll-over ticket, table, or panel submission will expire after the next scheduled Convention date. NOTE: This ticket policy is subject to change.


*Please email Puchicon asap on this matter, and if you have any additional questions.


*We all make mistakes, but If you willingly purchased or are found with a counterfeit badge or ticket purchased or given by someone else (aka a third-party site, etc.), we are not at liberty or obligated to compensate you for that loss or decision. Scalping of badges or tickets hurts our Convention, and those who followed the appropriate methods to purchase and get tickets. If you find anyone scalping tickets, please report them to nearby Puchicon Staff or Security, or email


*LOST BADGES: Any attendee who loses their badge may check with the LOST & FOUND at the INFORMATION BOOTH to see if it was turned in. If the original badge can't be found, the attendee is REQUIRED to purchase a replacement badge in order to access any Puchicon events thereafter,


*For those with Accessibility Needs, please send an email to to request and qualify for an Accessibility Needs Pass to the Convention Floor and Panel/Event Rooms.






Child Policies

*For our younger and up-and-coming Puchi-fan favs, we want to make this their first and most unique fun, safe, and friendly space for all ages. Here are some rules to know for those who are younger and their families:

-Children ages 12 and under must have a parent or guardian with them at all times.

-Children ages 13-17 must have a means of communicating (ie: cell phone) with their parent or guardian at all times.

-Puchicon is not a child care service, so please do not leave your child unattended or alone at the Convention. Your children are your responsibility. If a child ends up lost or separated from their parent or guardian, please report it to Puchicon Staff or Security to alert the Convention Venue.

-Cell Phones have been lost by children on more than one occasion at a Convention, so please have a backup means to communicate with your family.

-LOST & FOUND: All lost items or items found should be handed over to the Convention Information Booth area and Puchicon Staff members.

-All Convention-goers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian if booking a hotel or lodge of any kind. No minors will be allowed to stay overnight on venue premises without an adult present.

-Parents or Guardians will be held liable and responsible for the cost of any damages their children may cause within the Convention and the Venue.






18+ Panel & Event Policies

*All 18+ Panels & Events will require attendees to have BOTH a government-issued state ID, as well as a wristband that will be provided by Puchicon to verify your age upon inspection of ID. Attendees who do not have these will be denied access to these Panels & Events.

-Individuals must present a valid State or Federal ID proving Date of Birth.

-Attendees still need to show their Convention Badges as well upon entry to Panel & Event rooms.

-Wristbands that appear to be tampered with will not be permitted into the 18+ panel or event.

-Wristbands will not be allowed to be placed anywhere else, except for the individual's wrist.

-If your wristband gets damaged, you must go back to where you originally obtained your wristband, bring the original wristband, and/or show ID and Convention badge again.

-You can obtain 18+ Wristbands in the Information Booth area.

-Attendees with Accessibility Needs Passes can have their ID and Convention Badges checked at the Panel & Event door, or stop by the Information Booth prior to the line-up. The 18+ Wristband only applies to each individual person.


**Accessible areas at Camelback Mountain Resort:

[All ramps and elevators are ADA accessible. There are two elevators on each side of the resort itself including one that takes you directly to the conference center. The conference center itself is all ADA accessible.


The mountain lodge, there are ramps to take you straight up to our mountain lodge spaces and each of those spaces would be accessible via those ramps.]


Guest of Honor Policies

*Covid Procedure & Protocol: As a reminder, we ask that all Puchicon Convention-goers wear a mask at all times, especially in the Guest Booth Area. We will issue a verbal warning. If an individual continues to not adhere to the mask requirement, we will have Puchicon Security remove you from the Guest Booth Area, and possibly be banned from future Puchicon Convention and Events.


*Puchicon does not guarantee that you will get an autograph and/or sketch from any of the guests during the Convention.


*Any items with 18+ visuals or sexual and offensive references and themes will not be allowed for signing.


*Guests have the liberty and discretion to not sign any autographs on items that may include sketches done by a third-party artist, bootleg items and pictures, inappropriate pictures, body parts, etc.


*If you are unsure if the item you wish to have autographed will pass the standards to be signed, please speak with the Guest Booth & Autograph area staff & volunteers.


*If time permits and are permitted by guests & accompanied staff, you may request sketches or photographs with guests. However, some guests may have their own policies (ie: charging for sketches or photos, or no sketches or photos).


*Please respect everyone's time and commitment - avoid any lengthy conversations with guests.


*For the safety of everyone in the guest area, please maintain order by standing in line in an orderly fashion set forth by Puchicon Staff & Security. If you cannot follow these rules and procedures, we will remove you from the line and possibly be banned from future Puchicon Conventions and Events.


*Puchicon has a right to stop autograph lines at any point, this is to ensure guests and the Convention schedule are not running overtime. Please plan ahead if you wish to visit the Guest Booth Area for an autograph.


*All guests of honor appearances, panels, and events are subject to change without prior notice. Puchicon will do its best to update Convention-Goers to plan accordingly.









Privacy Policy

You can view our updated Privacy Policy Here:


Privacy Policy 









































Copyright © 2025 Puchicon 501(c)(3)

All Rights Reserved.

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